If it’s your first time floating with us, plan to arrive 10-15 minutes before your appointment. We’ll provide an orientation and answer any questions you may have. A few recommendations to prepare for an optimal experience…
Check in with the front desk on arrival, help yourself to any amenities we offer. If it’s your first time with us, we’ll provide an orientation and the opportunity for any questions or concerns you may have.
From the comfort of your private float room, you’ll prepare for your float as directed in your orientation. We recommend floating in your skin for optimal comfort and minimal distraction, and swim wear is also acceptable. Once you lay suspended in the buoyant solution, how you choose to use that time is up to you – relax, stretch, meditate, visualize or sleep. We provide the following amenities for your float.
Soft jets will signal your session is complete. Rinse your body free of salts with a warm shower and premium bath products. Make use of amenities in our restrooms, vanity or quiet lounge before transitioning to the outside world.
Now you know floating is a one-of-a-kind experience you’ll want to experience time and time again. Much like meditation or psychoanalysis, every experience reveals another layer of your internal self to explore. With each visit you may find your mind becoming calmer, your pain receding, or your creativity flowing. Are you ready to go to the next level?
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